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Air India First Flight Covers
The Legacy Continues.
Air India First Flight Covers
The Legacy Continues.
New additions in Air India & Tata flight covers
New additions are made regularly, please keep coming back

Air India New additions
May 2024

Passenger information Leaflet 1970

2000 Era Air India Coasters added to collection

1975 Geneva Madras and Zurich Madras- Indian Airlines Code share Flight

8th June 1948 Bombay New York with one stamp having Extra Porthole Error.

12 June 1948 Geneva Bombay received 21 June 1948

JRD Tata Original photo

Delivery of Rani Of Zhansi

1969 Geneva Dubai In Aerogramme

1972 Bombay Geneva and Delhi Geneva and return Geneva Bombay

1972 Geneva Dacca Air India Flight Cover

1955 Singapore London Leg added to collection
April 2024
October 2023

September 2023
August 2023
May 2023

March 2023

JRD Tata signed and dated FDC Ahmedabad cancel.
Ahmedabad was a Fuel stop during JRD Tata's first flight from Karachi to Bombay.

Indian Airlines Bombay Karachi first flight
Jan 2023
July 2022

1956 Air India first flight cover from Germany for the Rome Sydney Inaugural flight.

1958 AirIndia first flight cover from Germany from the Delhi Moscow flight.

JRD Tata signed and dated FDC.
Added a Cover which has all the cancellations on a single cover, also an International Eucharistic Congress brochure which was made only for the distinguished delegates stamped 7th December 1964.
Click here to view the complete brochure and the Pope's visit FFC's.

1937 Tata FFC from Ahmedabad to Cutch-Mandavi

1955 Air India FFC to Tokyo and intermediate stop Hong Kong

Indian Airlines ffc from Bangladesh to Calcutta
Fisherman- Shanti Dave
June 2022

Earliest known suggestions and complaint envelopes

Indian Airlines first flight to Karachi from New Delhi

A nice Greeting card featuring the Maharajah.

Bhuj Trichinopoly
Trichinopoly Karachi

Inflight booklet for Children contains 500 miles of entertainment.
8th June 1948 posted from Calcutta, a 12 annas stamp comet cancel dated 6th June 1948
New Air India flight cover found flown 6th April 1968 Kuwait to Geneva
1961 Private ffc in monocolor
1980 FFC flown to Calcutta to Singapore missed the cachet.(cachet shown below)

1937 FFC flown both sides
Air India Menu
May 2022

1937 Tata Flight covers for addition of Bhuj as a stop.

Hand Made fan given to First class passengers
Type 1A covers to various Foreign destinations
Type 2 covers to various Foreign destinations
Type 3C covers to various Foreign destinations
Type 3A covers to and from various Foreign destinations
January 2022

Lot of new collectibles added to Publicity Ephemera and postcards page please do visit and enjoy!!!

This is a new variety found with Genève stamps.
There do exist Bombay-Genève, New Delhi-Genève and Genève-Bombay with Liechtenstein stamps.
December 2021
It gives me great pleasure to announce we have come across a lot of information regarding flights and pilots, Courtesy: Percy Jokhi.
Do check the names updated

Che Guevara signed Air India photo

Sent in 54, flown in 55

Another example of Zurich Bombay Air India Flight Cover

Some Old 1950's Air India photo's
October 2021
It gives me great pleasure to show you here some new unseen and unknown flight covers. We have also found a 1953 Bombay Dusseldorf cover which was thought does not exist. Keep visiting this page to view it in January 2022.

Seen for the first time a intermediary flight cover for the return New York Bombay flight, via Frankfurt.
A private cover example of this 1956 Rome Sydney flight
Another great example of this 1955 Bombay Sydney flight sent from Dusseldorf, earlier one was addressed to Cairo, this cover to Sydney

1932 Bellary Ahmedabad Tata flight cover.

1935 Tata flight covers both Bombay Calcutta and Calcutta Bombay via Raipur and Tatanagar.

1935 Bombay Trivandrum Tata flight cover

1937 Tata flight cover to and from Bhuj, Anjar, Mandra, Ahmedabad, Bombay, Hyderabad.

Madras Trichinopoly Colombo
December 2020

November 2020

Another great example of this 1956 Praha Bombay via Delhi flight

ERROR: Green missing, the QUTUB MINAR is also missing.



August 2020

Another great example of this 1956 Praha Bombay via Delhi flight, got a smudged Bombay arrival stamp.
June 2020

January 2020

November 2019


October 2019

This is the route for Geneva Sydney via Singapore

Found one more variety with UN stamps

Tata Airlines freight label

25th Jan 1951 Bombay Tokyo- signed cover

19th April 1960 Bombay London Signed Capt Rajwade
July 2019

Type 4: Coasters added to collection

A matchlabel and a matchbox

Some missing coasters added to my collection, Courtesy Shri Piyush Khaitan

Pope had visited India on an Air India flight.
This cover shows Indian cancel of 02-12-64 and the Italian cancel for 05-12-64.
June 2019

Found one more variety in 2006 Turin Olympic flight cover.

Some excellent signed covers by Pilot and crew.

Set of 8 glossy postcards showing different uniforms of the soldiers.

1972 Private Osaka Bombay FFC

1971 Bombay London and Bombay New York

1932 Tata flight covers - Karachi to Ahemdabad , Madras to Greece

Error FFC: Red colour shift
May 2019

Some coasters missing from my collection.

Wein Bombay addressed to FPO with FPO cancel at the back.

Private flight cover to Geneva, also have to London and New York missing Cairo in this design

1982 Pakistan stamps(block of 4) on Pakistan envelope

Old Air India Ticket jacket

Private New Delhi- Moscow 1958 FFC
May 2019

7th Jan 1980 Calcutta Europe addressed to Paris, Retour Envoi on the front, and delivery cancel of 10th Jan 1980.

This complete 3 types of Dusseldorf Bombay Dusseldorf Flight covers.
Error flight cachet Bombay London instead of Bombay New York.
April 2019

16th July 1954 Bombay Singapore Inaugural Flight sent by Shavak Mistry. Singapore receiving Stamp of 20th July 1954 and returned back to sender by Surface mail received in Bombay on 6th August 1954.

4th September 1955 Singapore Paris Via Bombay, Paris ,Rome.

This completes the set - Singapore Paris Via Bombay, Paris ,Rome.

26th March 1990 Fujairah Bombay

21st May 1971 Frankfurt Bombay

28th July 1949 In-flight cover from Cairo to France.

14th May 1960 The 8500 mile journey was made via Beirut, Zurich, Paris and London to New York. This flight cover is for Paris to New York sector.

5th January 1980 Tokyo Bombay FFC - Aircraft flown Boeing 747

1st November 1978 Bombay Bahrain aircraft flown Airbus A300.

11th June 1948 London Bombay FFC arrival stamp of 14th on the back. - No official Flight cover was issued for the return, this cover was arranged privately by Jal Cooper.

17th October 1950 Calcutta London FFC Registered mail- No official Flight cover was issued, the mail carried on the flight was stamped to commemorate the flight.

4th May 1961 Bombay Nairobi

10th October 1972 simultaneous landing of 3 flights BOAC, Swissair, Air-India
on the New York - Geneva -Bombay

Ireland 1932 PAQUEBOT acceptance for Imperial Airways
TATA Karachi Bombay Service

Singapore and Jakarta Air India Luggage Labels

Madras to Karachi on 17- October-1932, Par Avion BY Air sticker at back
March 2019

Air India poster 12 x 8 inch sizes era: 1960/70

2006 Air India flight for the Olympic Team.
Only 5 flown from this Gentleman.

Souvenir cover flown from London to Ceylon via Madras.
Flew from London on the 8th October 1932, might have missed the first flight as does not have a Karachi Madras Flight cachet on the cover, TPO cancel of 17th October at the back
February 2019

The scarce Gay Paris Air India luggage label, much has been written on it by Shri Piyush Khaitan on his website.

Air India matchboxes various era.

14th May 1960 Bombay New-York private cover with flight cachet.
January 2019

8th June 1948 cover with a delivery mark in LONDON .

Air India meter cancel on a Air India stationery envelope from New York

Air India First Class complimentary in-flight gift of a Chinese Mystic Calendar, with year of birth and the animals represented for that year

Barahmasa- 12 months
A portfolio of 4 miniature painting from the collection of Air India

A unique 1969 First day cover by Air India London Office to commemorate Gandhi Centenary.

This might have been the honour conferred upon the frequent flyer member.

One Scarce Luggage label, One Scarce Freight label


Air India recently introduced a non stop flight from Coimbatore, the "Manchester of South India" to National capital New Delhi on 1st December of 2018. To commemorate this, Coimbatore postal circle issued a First flight Cover.
Marudamalai Murugal temple - Coimbatore and India Gate - Delhi, two prominent attractions of the two cities are depicted on the cover.
December 2018

Rare 1950 luggage label

Air India Good will flight signed by the cover designer.

1964 Pope visit postcard by Akbarally's

Samyog- Raiba

Girl in green chair- Raiba

Fruit Seller- Raval : green

Fruit Seller - Raval : dark
Tata New additions

The scarce Type 2 cover- Dark ultramarine circle.

1932 London Bombay Via Karachi
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