Air India First Flight Covers
The Legacy Continues.
Air India First Flight Covers
The Legacy Continues.
Air India International inaugurated their new destination to Nairobi via Aden. The Post & Telegraphs Department used a special round rubber cachet which was applied to almost all the letters carried by this plane.
As the plane took off half hour past midnight on the 21st , that is why you will find all the stamps were cancelled on 20th. Though the letters were received at GPO and the Airport Post Office, other dates also might exist. The cut-off for clearance was 1800hrs at GPO and 2130hrs at the Airport Post office.
This Cover was flown from Bombay to Aden with 10 as. postage and a circular postal cancellation of AIRPORT BOMBAY, BATCH III-B, 20 Jan 50 was applied. Delivery cancel of 21st Jan on the back. Violet Cachet on the front. On the reverse is the arrival mark Aden 21 Jan 50, and delivery mark, Aden Camp, 21 Jan 50.
This Cover was flown from Bombay to Aden with 10 as. postage and a circular postal cancellation of AIRPORT BOMBAY, BATCH III-B, 20 Jan 50 was applied. Delivery cancel of 21st Jan on the back. Violet Cachet and an Airmail sticker on the front. On the reverse is the arrival mark Aden 21 Jan 50, and delivery mark, Aden Camp, 21 Jan 50.
This Cover was flown from Bombay to Aden with 10 as. postage and a circular postal cancellation of AIRPORT BOMBAY, BATCH III-B, 20 Jan 50 was applied. Delivery cancel of 21st Jan on the back. Violet Cachet and an Airmail sticker on the front. On the reverse is the arrival mark Aden 21 Jan 50, and delivery mark, Aden Camp, 21 Jan 50.
Air India First Flight Cover Bombay Nairobi 21 Jan 1950
Type of Aircraft: Lockheed Constellation.
Air India flight cover to Nairobi. This Cover was flown from Bombay to Nairobi with 12 as. postage and a circular postal cancellation of AIRPORT BOMBAY, BATCH III-B, 20 Jan 50 was applied. Delivery cancel of 21st Jan on the back. Violet Cachet and an Airmail sticker on the front, no delivery cancel was given at Nairobi.
Air India flight cover to Nairobi. This Cover was flown from Bombay to Nairobi with 12 as. postage and a circular postal cancellation of AIRPORT BOMBAY, BATCH III-B, 20 Jan 50 was applied. Violet Cachet and an Airmail sticker on the front, no delivery cancel was given at Nairobi.
Air India flight cover to Nairobi. This Cover was flown from Bombay to Nairobi with 12 as. postage and a circular postal cancellation of Hughes Road, Bombay, 20 Jan 50 was applied. Violet Cachet and an Airmail printed on the front, no delivery cancel was given at Nairobi.
The curious case of Air India's 2nd Flight Cover Bombay Nairobi 21 Jan 1950
A rare, unique, first of its kind aerophilately cover, Air India flight cover.
Presenting you a special
Air India 1950 Bombay Nairobi flight cover which travelled on the 2nd flight as it missed the first.
I am grateful to Shri Piyush Khaitan for his guidance and in helping me understand this cover. He himself being an avid Air India collector, his vast and beautiful collection can be seen on and
The cover in question has an arrival mark of 26th Jan 1950. Please see the calendar of January 1950 and the timetable attached below to understand. Though the first flight was on 21st Jan 1950 ,the flight was scheduled weekly once every Thursday from Bombay at 00.05 hrs. So the 2nd flight flew from Mumbai on Thursday 26th Jan 1950 at 00.05 hrs and reached Nairobi on the same day Thursday 26th Jan 1950 at 11.00 hrs. Hence the cover bears a double 26th Jan arrival mark at the back.