Air India First Flight Covers
The Legacy Continues.
Air India First Flight Covers
The Legacy Continues.

Giorgio Trevisan - Italian Illustrator
Beautiful Placard to be placed on the table.
vintage advertising
by the remarkable yield
Advertising has never been displayed!
Design signed TREVISAN '55
(perhaps Giorgio Trevisan, the well-known painter / illustrator, see
facsimile his signature of the early years of his career)
Format: Cm. 19.00 x Cm. 35.80 (approx.)
Date: 1955
Giorgio Trevisan was born in Merano, near Bolzano, where he graduated in his classical studies. He then moved to Milan, where he joined the art studios of Roy d'Ami. There, he worked on the series 'Cherry Brandy' for the publishing house Audace, and on war stories for Amalgamated Press in Britain. He was also present in Fleetway's Battle Picture Library and War Picture Library, and served as one of the illustrators of 'Battler Britton'. He continued his collaboration with Amalgamated Press and Fleetway after leaving Dami in the 1960s, drawing among others 'HMS Outcast' for Hurricane, 'Trelawney of the Guards' for Lion and 'The Flying Fortress'. He contributed to the Treasure Annuals and the Front Line Series, and illustrated 'The Spider' stories for Fleetway Stupendous Library.
Trevisan has also worked extensively for the French pocket comics published by Lug, drawing series and characters like 'Mister Song', 'Doug Malone', 'Archie', 'Bob Pepper', 'C.L.A.S.H.', 'Dan Diamond', 'Fury', 'Thunderbolt', 'Silver Arrow' and the futuristic 'Silver Shadow'. Also, for Aventures & Voyages, he worked on new stories with 'Yataca'.
In Italy, Trevisan's solo work appeared in Il Corriere dei Piccoli between 1959 and 1977. After moving to Este, near Padova, he also took on painting and illustrating, among others for the Messaggero di Sant'Antonio. In the 1970s, he drew the series 'Medium' for the publishing house Dardo, and cooperated with writer Milo Milani on fantasy stories for Corrier Boy. In addition, he illustrated several biographies of famous Catholics, including the award-winning 'The Life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta'.
In the late 1970s, he became a regular artist of the 'Ken Parker' series in the monthly magazine Orient Express, while also illustrating episodes of 'Julia'. With Giancarlo Berardi, he produced new stories with 'Sherlock Holmes' in L'Eternauta in the 1980s. Later in his career, Trevisan became famous for Tarot cards illustrations in the 'Tarots of the Renaissance' series