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Air India First Flight Covers
The Legacy Continues.
Air India First Flight Covers
The Legacy Continues.
8th June 1948 Air India Private Flight covers
It was the First, most celebrated , historic flight of Independent India, many individuals also made covers to commemorate this historic first flight .
Date: 8th June 1948
Type of Aircraft: Lockheed Constellation L-749
Name of the Aircraft: Malabar Princess,
Registration Mark: VT-CQP,
Pilot: Capt. K.R. Guzder
Frequency of service: Once a week.
Covers shown here were printed privately by Collectors and Dealers

Air India private cover made by Rustom Hormazdiyar.
It has a London postmark of 10 June 1948.(ex. Sushil Mehra collection)
Air India private cover set of 3 to each destination London, Cairo, Geneva
-Publisher not known.
(ex. Sushil Mehra collection)

Air India private cover- publisher not known. Most probably printed in Tamil Nadu.
8th June 1948 posted from Calcutta, a 12 annas stamp comet cancel dated 6th June 1948

Air India private cover- publisher not known. The Indian flag was pasted inversely on the cover.

Air India private cover- publisher not known. The address rubber cancel might be the publisher of this cover.

Air India official cover with Hansen cancel and also an Air Mail cover with the Hansen Cachet.

Air India Air Mail covers sent by Karsandas Jivandas from Bombay one to Geneva and the other to Cairo both with delivery cancels.

Air India Air Mail cover sent by L.P. Advani a Philatelist from Bombay . All these covers were numbered and printed Rajput Princess name on the cover as this was first Intended, but Malabar Princess was used for this historic flight in the end.
The lower cover is again an Air mail with aeroplane motif on top and bottom, sent by Karsandas Jivandas.

Air India souvenir cover sent to Geneva by Philatelie Orient.
The top cover shows the Grand prix delivery cancel. The bottom one shows a different size of delivery cancel dated 9th June.


Private flight cover to London , New York and Geneva, missing Cairo in this design.

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